Jan. 3, 2023

40 Game-Changing Books for an Abundant Life in 2023

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From Adversity to Abundance Podcast

We had over 40 book recommendations in our 40 episodes of 2022. Host Jamie Bateman recaps all the guests we had on the show this year, the adversities they overcame, and the books that helped them become the people they are today despite all the odds stacked against them.

Tune in to start curating the game-changing 2023 reading list that will help you find and create abundance in your life.


Tune in to discover the book recommendations that helped our guests overcome these adversities:

(00:00) Rewind of 2022 and 2023 plans for the show

(09:06) From homelessness to financial freedom (Mark Owens) or A book that took him from prison to financial independence (Mark Owens)

(11:20) Mindset you need to win the Superbowl (Ryan Harris)

(12:42) Going from average to remarkable (Chris Seveney) or Managing your energy through the day (Chris Seveney)

(14:50) Overcoming a massive financial struggle (Matt Fore)

(15:53) Getting to relationship wealth (Fuquan Bilal)

(18:06) Suddenly becoming a parent (Shante Duffy)

(18:43) Overcoming hidden trauma in 40 days (Dr. Terrence Johnson)

(19:41) Becoming an investor after divorce debt (Brent Bowers)

(21:17) Escaping extreme poverty (Luis Miranda)

(22:49) Unexpected pregnancy and financial adversity (Beth Boisseau-Coots)

(24:25) Losing 75 pounds (Matt Izzo)

(26:33) Losing friends and parents early in life (Chris Larsen)

(27:41) Job insecurity (Emma Powell)

(28:44) Men’s divorce experience (Marcus Ross) or Divorce challenges men go through (Marcus Ross)

(30:22) Drugs and crime to real estate investor (David Dodge)

(31:30) Leaving scarcity mindset behind (Dan Haberkost)

(32:57) Coming to the US with $0 and no connections (Maricela Soberanes)

(35:01) Starting a business from a wheelchair (AJ Osborne)

(36:28) Walking away from a 7-figure job (Kevin Dahlstrom)

(37:38) Playing for the US Amputee Hockey Team (Brian Davies)

(38:23) Buying an island (Britnie Turner)

(39:12) Near-death experience in Iraq (John Kriesel)

(40:06) Losing eyesight and hearing in Afghanistan (Aaron Hale)

(41:15) Crushing end to baseball career and losing your identity (Joshua Kalinowski)

(43:01) Surviving pancreatic cancer (Josh Cantwell)

(44:06) Untangling your identity from your net worth (Mark Podolsky)

(45:05) From selling candy to consulting (CEO Matty J)

(45:39) Financial freedom in 3 years (Bryce Robertson)

(46:04) Overcoming liver cancer (Nate Costa)

(46:22) Clarity and purpose after a brain tumor (Bryan Chavis)

(46:43) Surviving a plane crash (Clint Fiore)

(47:27) Million-dollar exit after bankruptcy (Brecht Palombo)

(48:49) Motorcycle accident and business crash (Aaron Chapman)

(49:55) Getting fired from the NHL (Justin Roethlingshoefer)

(50:55) From $30K per year to a 7-figure exit (Bry Shields)

(51:58) Becoming an Ironman Athlete (Matt Izzo)

(52:59) From a shed in Mississippi to generational wealth (James Webb)




Podcasts I mentioned

Good Deeds Note Investing Podcast

Ice Cream With Investors Podcast 


Book Recommendations 

You Can If You Think You Can by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Will by Will Smith

Mindset for Mastery: An NFL Champion’s Guide to Reaching Your Greatness by Ryan Harris

The Power of When: Discover Your Chronotype - and the Best Time to Eat Lunch, Ask for a Raise, Have Sex, Write a Novel, Take Your Meds, and More by Michael Breus 

Next-Level Income: How to Make, Keep, and Grow Your Money Using the "Holy Grail of Real Estate" to Achieve Financial Independence by Chris Larsen

Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

How to Invest in the Stock Market: The Complete Guide for Beginners (Books on Investing in Stocks) by Tim Morris 

The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday

Claim Your Power: A 40-Day Journey to Dissolve the Hidden Trauma That's Kept You Stuck and Finally Thrive in Your Life's Unique Purpose by Mastin Kipp 

The Wealthy Gardener: Lessons on Prosperity Between Father and Son by John Soforic 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki 

The Lost Secret by Monica Main 

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson 

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides) by Marshall B. Rosenberg Ph.D. and Deepak Chopra

The High-Performance Planner by Brendon Burchard

Business for Life - Grow Your Business for a Fulfilling Life by Matt Alderton

Deep Simplicity: Bringing Order to Chaos and Complexity by John Gribbin

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy by Thomas J. Stanley

Anna: The Biography by Amy Odell

Brothers Forever: The Enduring Bond between a Marine and a Navy SEAL that Transcended Their Ulmate Sacrifice by Tom Sileo and Tom Manion

I am Young by M. Dean

Play the Man by Mark Patterson

Capital Crusaders - Long Term Planning To Legally Reduce Your Taxes Every Year by Todd Mardis 

Dan Sullivan 

Atomic Habits by James Clear 

The Second Mountain by David Brooks 

Derek Sivers 

Howard Marks

The Pocket Guide to High Ticket Selling by Dan Henry 

Secrets of a Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker 

Good to Great by Jim Collins 

Traction by Gino Wickman 

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Buy it, rent it, profit! By Bryan Chavis 

The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason

The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris 

Outwing the Devil by Napoleon Hill 

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel 

In Your Purpose is Calling: Your Difference is Your Destiny by Dharius Daniels

Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins

From Scarcity to Abundance: The Story of an Entrepreneur Who Used Family Wisdom to Break the Chains of Scarcity to Create a Life of Abundance by Maricela Soberanes

Still Standing: The Story of SSG John Kriesel by John Kriesel

Redneck Resilience: A Country Boy’s Journey To Prosperity by James Harold Webb 


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Speaker 1


 What's up everyone? This is Jamie. Bateman your host of the form adversity to abundance podcast. And today, I thought we would round out 2022 and lean into 2023 with a fun episode where we were going to go through the book recommendations from our guests that we had on the show last year 2022. But before we get to the list and it's a fantastic list, by the way, I just want to thank Call are all of our listeners, it's been an awesome year for the podcast. Quite frankly, I didn't know where it was going to go when we started it, but I will get to that in a minute. I wanted to speak to kind of the new listener out there who may not know who I am. I want to give a quick very quick background on myself and then a little bit on the show and the future of the show as well. And then, and then we will get to the book list, which is awesome. So about me, Jamie Bateman. I am I will be just about 47 when this episode airs, I think within a few days after the after these airs. And I have got a background in sports and in the military and in leadership and in real estate, investing and mortgage note investing, I am a father and a husband. And I have six siblings, and so I am the oldest of seven, seven kids, and for years, I worked for the Department of Defense. After I had worked in the military as an officer, in the US Army, and Ended up being able to quit. My quit, my day job, so to speak in 2022. March of twenty, twenty-two. So fairly recently within the last year, I was able to quit my job and focus 100% at least professionally on real estate investing and mortgage note investing. So our company is Labrador lending or website is Labrador lending.com. You can check out a lot of information. There specifically about mortgage note investing You can read about our team and our approach to things. And, you know, I the reason I started this podcast just to transition into some of the background on the show is I was a part of the Good Deeds. Note investing podcast with chris74 almost two years and that podcast was a focused on mortgage note investing specifically, which is a very Niche space with in real estate. If you're Familiar with it and it was awesome. And I really enjoyed the time, you know, and guess we had on in the conversations. I was able to have with Chris and many others. And but what I found from that show at least for my own personal interest side of things was that I was really drawn to the human element of some of the guests stories and one of that, one of the We had on was Mark Owens, I interviewed mark on The Good Deeds show, and he's a Baltimore real estate investor. And he his story is crazy, good bad all kinds of craziness. We will get into that in a second. But that's, that episode on The Good Deeds show, actually, is what really put me over the edge so to speak. As far as kind of defining, it was the impetus for this show. If I had to point to one, One thing and so with from adversity, to abundance, what we're trying to accomplish is speak to primarily the entrepreneur and investor out there who has dealt with adversity in life. Obviously, that's every single one of them, right? So while that adversity, may take on many different forms. It's different for everyone, it could be health-related it. Could be relationship related could be Financial. Those are kind of the three primary buckets. I have found that the adversity types of adversity, fall into and the abundance certainly looks different for everyone, as well. But what we want to do here and in 2023, I intend to Not refocused, but better Define the avatar for The Listener. Speak to particular listener, more directly, and more specific listener. Profile really is what I am getting at, and better Define the direction of the show, and that way, we can bring better value to The Listener and better Define the guest profile as well. So, You know, marks story was the impetus and you will have to go back and listen to that. I had him on as episode 1 on this podcast. So highly recommend you go back and listen to that episode and then just listen to the rest of them. We have hit 40, 40 episodes in 2022. So I am proud of that. And we're going to keep going. Consistency is one of my kind of one of my cornerstones and It just you know, from adversity to abundance. We're not saying that abundance overnight, you know, is this, you reach this magical, Pinnacle of life and all of your adversity goes away. But Through these stories, we have been able to pull out phenomenal at lessons, that can be applied for anyone frankly. Whether the, you know, it really doesn't matter what type of adversity you face, a lot of these lessons can be applied across the board and, you know, you're going to face adversity. So may as well be ready for it when it comes, right? Or is as ready as possible. And you, you truly can have a massive impact on What your level of abundance that you reach and what that looks like, can't control everything but you do have. There's a lot you can control on your life. And so our intent with the podcasters is to inspire to pull out practical nuggets, lessons that can be applied specifically for the entrepreneur, who's dealing with some Human or will deal with some very real and human adversity, whether inside their business or in their personal life. And so, and really to kind of sound the You know, to preach that entrepreneurship while not necessarily easy and doesn't necessarily provide a straight line to success can be a force for good. So that's where we're coming from a little. That's just a little bit of background on me and a little bit of background on the show itself. So we're excited for 2023 to The Listener out there. I know it's it gets old hearing this, but if you could Like And subscribe everywhere possible, and more importantly than any of that share the show. If you liked an episode text, your friend, text, your mom, text your brother, you know, send that, that episode to someone that you think might benefit from it because we truly are trying to grow the show. It's not as easy as you know, just starting a podcast and putting out episodes and then it just magically takes off. There's certainly a lot of work to this. And we'd really like to grow our listener base in the next few months and for the, you know, following for this upcoming year. So, super excited for the future of the show. If you can do your part to kind of just help us grow it one, little bit one, little inch more, if you will, we'd really appreciate that. Check out our website. Labrador lending.com is my primary business. And that you can find links to the podcast there, but we're on all the major listening platforms. Apple Spotify. Excetera one final note the Integrity income fund which we do run. We are currently raising capital for from accredited investors. That's going to be closing soon. We don't have a closing date yet, but it's not far off. So if you're interested and you're an accredited investor, you're interested in passive income. Please reach out, Labrador, Lending.com. All right. That's enough of me babbling. Let us get to this fantastic list. So our first guest like I mentioned was Mark Owens and Mark. So, The title of marks episode. Was. From homeless to prison to Financial Freedom, through real estate with Mark, Owens. His story is phenomenal. Absolutely check it out. It's, he's a really good Storyteller but drugs crime, you know and just hitting rock bottom, excuse me, you know, it's got all that, and then he just completely turned his life around, and he was able to reach Financial Freedom. Through real estate investing his he's Baltimore guy, who's now kind of traveling all around. And anyway, check it I highly recommend that episode 1, but the book that he recommended, which I don't even think it was me asking him. I think this is a book that legitimately changed his life, and he just, you know, can't stop talking about it. It's called you can if you think you can buy, Dr. Norman Vincent, Peale Peña. Ellie. And I did look it up, I haven't read the book. I believe its decades-old, he read this book when he was in prison I believe and it completely impacted him in a massive way him being Mark. And so obviously if you know timing is critical with a lot of this stuff, a book, you might recommend now, you know, it made a lot of these books won't resonate with you but in six months, they might so Certainly you know keep that in mind. Obviously this book hit him at the right time. You can if you think you can buy Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. So I think it has a lot to do with mindset. You know, excuse me, episode 2, we had Ryan Harris. Technically, I cheated a little bit and I stole this episode literally from The Good Deeds show where I had interviewed Ryan. On that show. So wasn't technically an interview for from adversity to abundance, but Ryan is a very polished speaker. He's a former NFL lineman who won a Super Bowl with Peyton, Manning with the Broncos, and he saw up is just great. Great speaker and very moving, very inspirational episode. He Rec, he was reading, I think it's called will by Will Smith and Mark Manson. And I think it's an autobiography biography type book about Will Smith. I know he was reading it that at the time, one caveat is, I didn't always ask every guest for a book recommendation. So, you know, I may not have specifically asked him, I don't recall but and then, Mark, excuse me. Ryan Harris. Our guests also has his own book that he wrote called mindset for Mastery and NFL champions guide to Reaching your greatness which I also have not read. If I will be if I am being honest here. So those are two books that he recommended episode 3, I had my friend and business partner on Chris 70, excuse me, Chris has a very relatable story within a few months. He had all kinds of health and relationship and financial problems. All kind of come crashing down at the same time. Hopefully that part isn't relatable to most of you but, you know, he's just didn't sorry Chris, but he's just an average guy. You know, he's an everyday guy, he's super smart. But this, the point is, this type of adversity, could hit any of us. And so, he's not famous, you know, NFL player or something like that, but very relatable episode, very good episode, episode 3 with Chris 70 and Chris, and I have some Ventures together. We still have work very closely together, my former co-host on the podcast that he started years ago. The Good Deeds show, and then we have we managed a note fund together, and we also have a Loan Servicing Company together called by 5. Loan Servicing. But Chris is book recommendation was called The Power of when I think it was just a matter of you know Chris always has a thousand things going on and if I had interviewed him the next day, probably would have been a different book recommendation frankly. But I know he was burning through a bunch of books quickly in 2022. So but the power of when discover your chronotype and the best time to eat lunch, ask for a raise, have sex, write a novel. Take your meds and more Bye. Michael Bruce PhD and looks like Dr. Oz, so I don't know if yeah I am not sure on the author's but the power of when he was really enjoying that book and I will tell you a Chris has more energy than anybody, so he must be doing something right from day to day managing your energy levels. Standpoint episode 4 was with Matt For funny backstory, as I had this as episode 5 and Matt for fo re said, hey, you missed an opportunity there to have me as episode 4, and so I switched it, I didn't miss the opportunity, and so we had Matt for as episode 4, and he has a couple of book recommendations. One is called the last lecture. It looks like by Randy pausch PA. Uch. U.s. Ch. Haven't read that. And then the second one, how to invest in the stock market, the complete guide for beginners books on investing in stocks by Tim Morris. Interesting because Matt is a huge real estate guy. So yeah I am not sure. I don't recall the context, frankly about that part of the Avatar discussion but I know Matt has his own podcast called ice cream with investors, which you should check out, and he talks a lot about real estate. Investing episode 5, we had fuquan Bilal on, and he recommended, he's a real estate. Investor mortgage note investor. He's done a lot, and he actually I meant to give you the titles, so I will go back and give you the titles of the previous episodes. But Foo Kwan's, title, episode 5 was from a life-threatening shooting and millions lost to real estate and relationship. Wealth with fuquan Bilal, fantastic episode, he drops the ton of knowledge. The his book recommendation was the obstacle is the way the Timeless art of turning trials into Triumph by Ryan holiday. Which I have read and it's very good and Ryan. Ryan puts out a lot of really good stuff. Ryan's holiday, the ego is the enemy was another one. And, you know, you know, stoicism based very practical in dealing with, you know, dealing with life frankly. But there are a lot of good business, you know, lessons you can apply in your business in that one. Just to backtrack, Matt fours, episode was called learning from a late sibling, is his sister passed away, you know, to at an early age and overcoming dicks less dyslexia. Listen to me and a massive Financial setback with Matt for. So that was a very good one. Chris 70s, episode was titled from Financial marital and health struggles to real estate and note investing success with Chris 70. And then Ryan Harris is episode was called, it is your right to be extraordinary mindset for success with former NFL Super Bowl champ, Ryan Harris. So episode 6 after Foo Kwan's was with Shanti Duffy and I don't know that. I actually asked her for a book recommendation couldn't find it in the transcript. So I know she did recommend, she did, she does look up to Oprah Winfrey, and so I am Going to just use Oprah's Book list as Shante is recommendation there. So her episode was entitled from foster child to surprise parent to budding entrepreneur with Shantae Duffy episode 7. It was called, from struggling personally and professionally to empowering others with innovator. Dr. Terrence Johnson. His recommendation. So Terrence is an Innovator. It works in the kind of the therapy space mental health space, and I really enjoyed that conversation with him. I didn't really know him before we had the interview but his book recommendation is called claim your power, a 40-day journey to dissolve the hidden trauma. That's kept you stuck and financially throught. Sorry, finally, thrive in your life's unique Purpose By Mastin Kipkay IPP. I haven't read it but I should check it out. And then episode 7 was with, Brent Bowers. The title of the episode was from divorced debtor to influential investor and leader with army veteran. Brent Bowers Brent is a real estate investor wholesaler trainer, land investor. And his story is a pretty moving one pretty relatable unfortunately, and he had both divorce and debt. Issues that he overcame. He's a former US military officer as well. But his book recommendation. Was the wealthy Gardener lessons on Prosperity between Father and Son? I have read this book and I have actually recommended it myself on other podcasts. So I think Brent is just copying me, but excuse me, it's a very good book. It's one that it's kind of fiction nonfiction blend. I tend to stick to nonfiction which I should force myself probably to read a little more fiction but this story is one where it's you have got kind of story intertwined fictional story intertwined with nonfiction and it's a really good one. So the wealthy Gardener lessons on Prosperity between Father and Son by John Sephora. Eric, that's a great one Lewis. Miranda Lewis he works. For me. Still works on our team works. I work with him and his book recommend. He's got a wild background. Intense poverty and difficulties growing up. His episode was called from victim of extreme poverty and abuse to note investor and Zen practitioner. With Louis Miranda, his book recommendation was the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, powerful lessons in personal change by Stephen r.covey, which is a very good one, which I have read. It's been a long time. It's that's that one's made a major impact on a lot of people I know. And then he gave a second recommendation which is Rich, Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki which a lot of Real Estate Investors point to as the book that changed their lives or pointed. You know opened up their mind to think outside the box and think outside of the stock market and kind of take control of their future. I have also read this one. You know, Robert kiyosaki's had a lot of success. I personally like Cashflow quadrant better but you know maybe it was just a matter of timing where that book didn't do it for me at the time but I don't think Robert really cares that it didn't do it for me but anyway Beth while so Koontz we had on after Lewis And her episode was called seeing life's challenges as blessings with successful business woman, Beth busso Koontz, so Beth works in the insurance space. And, Like Shantae had an unexpected pregnancy at a young age and her story is a really good one and definitely you know, I don't know about extreme poverty but Financial adversity to financial abundance for sure. So I would check that out. It's a very good episode. Hurt. She recommended the Lost Secret by Monica Main and the slight Edge by Jeff Olson. I have never read either one. I really should start reading all these books. You know these are very successful people that we have on the show and who have dealt with real life adversity. And if these are the couple, the one or two books that they're individually singling out as impactful and their life. This book list has a lot of value. So but I have not read either book so sorry. Beth, next we had on, Matt is 0 and his episode was called from fat and depressed to healthy and happy with Fitness coach. Matt is 0 I will speak about this in a minute, but we just had Matt on the show again a second time, Matt's, a great guy and His book, recommendation was thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and so, he made a massive transformation at did by losing 75 pounds. And becoming an Ironman recently and You know, obviously mindset plays a massive role, played a massive role in Matt's transformation and certainly continues to in his success. So I think I have read Think and Grow Rich and I think it's a very good book, you know, some people like to criticize it because it's not as easy just as just having a thought and then, you know, abundance just shows up at your doorstep, but I think if you actually read the book, it's not, it's not indicating that. It's just talking, we downplay the Of our thoughts and polian Hill is. He's got some other, fantastic books. Outliers is one, I believe and outwitting the devil I think is another and thinking Grow Rich, is, is a very good one. So, Chris Larson, I don't know if I asked him for. Actually, outliers might not be pulling. He will I may have misspoken on that. I just, that's what I wanted to double-check. Hang on one second. Malcolm Gladwell I have no idea why I just confuse those two but regardless Napoleon Hill has some phenomenal books out there. Chris Larson, how losing loved ones early propelled? Real estate investor Chris Larson to an abundant and impactful life. Chris does have his own book which I have read and it's good and his business is called Next Level income and his book is called Next Level income, how to make keep and grow your money, using the Holy Grail of real estate to Achieve Financial Independence. So it's a quick read talks about real estate investing and infinite Banking and taking control of your financial future. Chris's episode was great. He lost a dear friend. Early in his life. And he also lost his parents, very early and I think a lot of that pain propelled him to the success and work ethic and principles. You know, that he embodies now, and he's I was actually just on his podcast fairly recently. So good guy, successful guy, somebody you want to, you want to learn from for sure. We will skip the bonus episode I did and then the next Episode. We had been with Emma, Powell abundance, through instability and loss with homeschooler and investment Club, Creator. Emma Powell Emma's was a really. So Emma was the first guest that we had shed tears on the show, and she said that it was the first podcast she'd been on where she cried as well. I say that kind of joking but you know, it was a very moving story and very personal and, and she'd been on 40-some Podcasts shows before mine. And so very moving story about family challenge challenges and also Financial challenges with her husband's job insecurity and things like that. And yeah she that's a good one for sure. So her book recommendation was nonviolent communication a language of Life-changing tools for healthy relationships. So, haven't checked that one out, but I should next, we had Marcus Ross, and he is another therapist, and he's in Australia, similar to Terrence Johnson, we hadn't met before, didn't know a ton about him frankly, but it was a good episode. He his story is more about is about you know, overcoming relationship, adversity and his message is really for men. Mostly And who have gone through divorce, he calls it separation. But and that's kind of the primary focus of his professional I think efforts right now, and, and he's started his own business. So he is an entrepreneur as well. But that one's that episode really is for men. Primarily who, you know, struggle with dealing with emotions and expressing Seeing their emotions. And then going through relationship challenges and family challenges, and the book recommendations he had been the high performance planner by Brendon burchard, which I do have as well, which was good, and I have read and then the business for Life, grow your business for fulfilling life by Matt alderton. So he had some good ones. I have not read that one.  so I don't know if I said but his from Pain and divorce to self-discovery and Entrepreneurship with purpose was the Epic his episodes title next up, we had David Dodge and this was a pretty popular episode with the listener. David Dodge from drugs and crime to a second chance and 20 thousand dollars per month from rental properties. He's got a lot of energy. I enjoyed this one. Looks like we don't have a book recommendation from him and that's because I must not have asked him. So we will have to Circle back with him and get a recommendation but it's very good episode to check out. It was one of the more Popular shows that we episodes that we have had on the show, he's out of St. Louis and is a young energetic, mover and Shaker and ran into some legal trouble when he was younger. And now it's just killing it in the real estate scene. So that I recommend that for Real Estate Investors or anyone who's, you know, down on their luck with maybe drugs and the legal system, that was a really good one. But next up, we had Dan Hammer cost, the title of the episode was shedding a scarcity mindset, and Ending success in landed nesting, by age 26. So Danzig super young guy compared to me, it's all relative, right? But he's had a ton of success and this one has a lot to do with mindset and leaving your scarcity, mindset of where you grew up. So, he grew up in a middle. I guess. Not middle class, but probably Lower middle class, and scarcity type environment in. I believe the Midwest and now I think he's in Colorado and just doing very well with, I know he's doing ground up construction now, and land, he does a lot with land investing, but his book recommendations were Rich. Dad, Poor Dad told you a lot of Real Estate Investors recommend that one deep Simplicity bringing order to chaos and complexity by Jean gribbon and I think Dan's like a big reader, super smart guy and thirdly sapiens. A brief history of humankind and then fourthly anything written by Howard marks. So yeah, he fired off a bunch of very good book recommendations. Unfortunately, I have only read one of them. So next we had Mark jealous Oberon, he's and hers is a fantastic story. Her own Okay. So she recommend it. So her episode was called from scarcity to abundance. Through real estate with millionaire immigrant veteran and author. Mariela sober, honest, I did start to try to shorten the titles because they do get a little bit long because I am trying to pack so much value into the titles, but, I used to be an editor and usually being more succinct, as is better, this type of thing. But, Mari Cella has a very inspiring story. She came to the US and With like no money couldn't speak English. I think she was maybe 23 years old no network no net worth no network the language capability, you know, and now she's just crushing it in real estate with her husband, and she has her own book. She's an author like I mentioned, and she's a US military veteran as well but her own book is called from scarcity to abundance, and so I found On that book. And I just reached out to her and I said, you know, you got to be on my podcast, so she obliged and her book recommendation is her own book as well as The Millionaire Next Door. The surprising secrets, of America's, Wealthy, by Thomas Stanley. I don't think I ever read this one, but I, it does get recommended quite a bit and so, you know, I don't know. I think it makes it becoming a millionaire Very, very real and practical and ever, you know, they're millionaires around us that you would never suspect, you know, just from being a teacher different things like that. So I know a lot of people have recommended that book, so I should check it out. AJ Osborne man, I definitely should have asked him about for a book recommendation. His episode is really one of my favorites, and he's an awesome guy to follow on. Different social media platforms, but his episode was called from life, support and job loss. To starting a business starting business from a wheelchair with self-storage expert. AJ, Osborne guarantee he has some great books to recommend, and he has his own couple of his own podcast. I think so you could probably pretty easily find out what he reads but and what he recommends. But his story man he got, he was paralyzed from GBS, your ombre syndrome and, you know, just he was on top of the world and then everything came crashing down heel on essentially, I mean, lost his health for years, and you have got to go back and listen to that one. It's awesome. And I mean, it's terrible that he had to go through all that, but he's doing a lot better now. And, so I do recommend that one, and he's a leading expert in the self storage in besting space and real estate in general very smart guy. Next up we had Kevin Dahlstrom who I also enjoy following. The title was climbing rocks. Not the corporate ladder how and why Kevin Dahlstrom walked away from a seven-figure job. So Essentially, he was making 1.3 million a year or something like that at as a chief marketing officer of Mr. Cooper, I believe, and he went through a reset, we won't call it a midlife crisis, but, and in his mid to late 40s and left. Texas and took the family to Boulder Colorado because that's where they have the best rock climbing from what he said. And now he started a company called swell, but he's a great follow on Twitter, he's a super smart guy and his story was really good to very good episode, and he recommended a book called Anna. The biography written by a me O'Dell Don't know much about it, but if Kevin's reading it's probably worth a read. Next up, we had Brian Davies who more of a local friend if you will. How Brian Davies redefined his purpose through severe, health challenges and played for the USA, amputee hockey team. So that one's not targeted to entrepreneurs or investors per se, just like some of the others, a couple of the others haven't been, but his story is wild. And His book recommendation is called brothers forever. The enduring bond between a marine and Navy SEAL that transcended, their ultimate sacrifice by Tom Sileo and Tom mannion have to read that one. Brittany Turner, man. She yeah, her episode is called from living in her car to living on her own Island and making a global impact with Brittany Turner. So, Brittany recently bought an island And one of her neighbors is Richard Branson, I mean, it's just insane, but she grew up with not a lot of money and one point was living out of her car. I am so, she's certainly dealt with adversity, and abundance and I didn't ask her, I guess for a book recommendation, but she loved Napoleon Hill. So, Napoleon Hill. We will say was her one of his books was her recommendation, John kriesel, apparently I didn't ask him for a book recommendation, but he does have his own book out there and so his book is called Still Standing the story of Staff, Sergeant John kriesel. And the reason it's called that is that he lost his Legs in. In Iraq and a near-death ID experience in Iraq. And our episode was entitled, still standing. Still smiling. How John kriesel lives life with purpose and joy. After a near-death experience in Iraq. So it was a great one. You know, highly recommend that one for sure and then next up, we had Aaron Hale, another military veteran, who was injured overseas. His was in Afghanistan, and he ended up losing his eyesight and his hearing and it's a little more nuanced than that. You have to check it out. But his book recommendation is Aaron is. Sorry. It's called I am Young by m. Dean I have not read that one, so I am not can't say much about it. It. But I do recommend listening to that episode, and he's got a fudge company called p.o.d. Confections I believe, and I am sure they're busy this time of year. So great guy, great episode I enjoyed that one for sure his episode was called finding culinary and real estate success after Millis military service left him blind and deaf with Aaron Hale. So next up, we had Josh Kalinowski. How a professional baseball player overcame a crushing end to his career, to become a purpose-driven leader, and CEO. Great episode, great story, it's mostly about when you lose your identity really he was fully wrapped up in being a professional baseball player, and since she had to come back to his small town with his tail between his legs, you know, from being the man to like having a ReDiscover reinvent who he is, That was a great one and at that one that episode does speak to entrepreneurs and investors quite a bit. He's got a real estate. He's got kind of approaches things with a wheel if you will and each spoke on the wheel has to relate to real estate. In some way, a brokerage firm, they own a roofing company, they own a property management company I believe and just different things like that. So I enjoyed Really enjoyed talking to him. And I am actually going to be on his podcast here in a bit as well, which will be a fun, fun chat. And so this was Josh Kalinowski. So Play The Man by Mark Patterson which I actually ordered because of his recommendation and I read it. It was very good, definitely book more for men. And then he also recommended Capital Crusaders long-term planning to legally, reduce your taxes every year by Todd Mardis. Haven't read that one. Next up, we had Josh Cantwell and I will try to pick up the pace a little bit. Josh cantwell's stories, awesome and thoroughly enjoyed his podcast episode which was called how Financial collapse. Oh sorry, powerful lessons for Life business and real estate investing from pancreatic cancer. Survivor Josh can't. Well the odds of surviving pancreatic cancer are Extremely low, and I want to say, he said six percent, something like that, and he's here still and doing very well with his real estate. He's into multifamily investing and raising capital for that. That's what he does. And Great story. Great. Great interview, I really enjoyed that one. He recommended anything by Dan Sullivan, as well as atomic Habits by James Clear, which I highly recommend as well. I love James Clear. He puts out some really good stuff. Next. We had Mark Podolski and his episode was called How Financial collapse allowed Mark Podolski to create a healthy view of self-worth and the game of making money. You know, marks identity was wrapped up in his self is a net worth and then 2008 happened and everything came crashing down. And it kind of reset his priorities, but he's a big-time land investor he's done very well for himself and, but he's doesn't he just sees making money as a game now so it's not you know it doesn't mean if he lost everything now that he have no worth. So I think it's a really good one to listen to, but he recommended the second Mountain by David Brooks and then anything by dare. Except verse next, we had CEO am a DJ on, and he's a kind of influencer type, got a big following on Instagram and that type thing. He the episode was called suspended for selling candy to achieving Financial Freedom through exotic cars and Consulting, so he was big into Toro and I think still does that and renting cars and things like that fun episode for sure. He recommended. The pocket guide to high ticket selling by Dan Henry. Next up, we had Bryce Robertson secrets of a Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, is what he recommended. And Bryce was a fun one. I met him but can't I gotta We're short on time here. So his episode was called from broke to financially free and under 3 years with Bryce Robertson definitely check it out. Next up we had Nate Kosta overcoming liver cancer and the 2020 shut down with Wellness. CEO Nate coste. Nate recommended good to Great by Jim Collins and traction by Gino Wickman. And next up, we had from a brain tumor to Clarity of Purpose with multifamily expert. Brian Chavis. Brian has his own book by it. Rent it profits by Brian Chavis, and he also recommended the book of five rings. Bye. Miyamoto Musashi, looks like. And next up, we had Clint Fiore, he recommended Rich, Dad, Poor Dad. So it's on our list here, three times by Robert Kiyosaki, and then the richest man, in Babylon. By George Samuel, claisen, which I have read both of those Aaron Chapman actually. Sorry I skipped ahead there. Clint's episode was called from sight, surviving a plane crash to thriving in business, and he's a business broker, which is pretty cool, but his story of crashing, his plane, you know, 20 years ago. And surviving that was insane. Definitely check that one out. And then, next up, we had breakfast Palumbo, and he that was called from bankruptcy to a million dollar exit with entrepreneur Breck Palumbo. If the download numbers and listener numbers or any indicator, The Listener out there, Loves this type of story because his episode was probably eight to 10 times. More popular than the second most popular episode of our show. If got incredible numbers of downloads, so I am not sure exactly why that wasn't. It was an awesome episode, he was very sincere and you know definitely check that one out and Brack is a very smart guy and I really started to get to know him, and I am enjoying interacting with him and learning from him. But he recommended the 4-Hour workweek by Tim Ferriss because he was forced to systematize everything. And we're kind of removed himself from his business that he exited for great prophet that he built. He built a startup and then exited it for a lot of money. So, That's a fantastic. Listen, next up we had Aaron Chapman, and he was a fun one. His he's been through a lot as well. He was, his episode was called wrecked physically and financially to the top. One percent of mortgage Originators with industry, veteran are enchantment. Aaron, yeah, we had a motorcycle accident was in the middle of the Arizona Road in the middle of the summer for Any 30 minutes, just sitting there, lying there, unconscious and, you know, eventually recovered and his business tanked, and he's at multiple ups and downs. Personally, and a lot of adversities dealt with, but he also has reached abundance and I very much enjoyed that one, and learned a lot from talking to him. He recommended outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill, and the Master Key System by Charles F Hon, lha any L. Next up, we had Justin ruffling. Chauffeur and Justin is the founder of own it. And his episode was called getting fired from the NHL to helping people own their different with founder. Justin ruffling, chauffeur they did a whole 3430 on ESPN about Justin's story. Story of how he got fired from the NHL because he was standing up for what was right? He's super passionate about taking ownership of your health which is something I am going to be considerably more focused on in 2023 myself and I recommend everyone do that. But he recommended the book called in. Your purpose is calling. Your difference is your destiny by Darius. Daniels, haven't read it, but it sounds intriguing. I got to get through my current book stack, but that one Sounds pretty awesome. Next up, we had Bryce Shields from 30k per year to a seven-figure exit in three years. With entrepreneur, Bryce Shields, bright is also in the insurance industry, like Beth Faso Koontz, and he was, you started a business. Lots of massive decrease in his income when he started the business and then was able to sell it for a pretty penny, he recommended traction by Gino Wickman as well, which I have read. I don't know if I mentioned that, but attractions are really good one. That's the basis for the EOS system that a lot of entrepreneurs. Like an Implement, you know, it can be a very expensive system, but from what I gather is, is worth it in a lot of cases, I know Nate Kosta uses it for his FX of business, which is has just blown up. And our most recent episode on this list is our second episode with Matt is 0 and it's called add the transformative power of mindset with Ironman athlete and wellness coach Matt is, oh, Matt is awesome, and he recommended can't hurt me, master the mind, and defy, the odds by David Goggins. I know other people have mentioned David Goggins on the show as well and follow him. And he's obviously all about mine said and discipline. And just he's a specimen when it comes to just long distance, you know, endurance events and things like that, but mastering your mind is really where it all starts. And so, I should have been more prepared because we have episode 40 coming out when I am recording this. It's coming out tomorrow morning but it will have been out for a week when this comes out with James Webb. And actually, it would be an easy one to two pivots and say that James Webb recommends his own book, which is called redneck resilience. So, this James is episode is awesome, and it's not just because we share the same first name, but his, the title of his episode is A country boys Journey. From broke to millions in generational wealth. With business Titan James Harold web, and he wrote a book called redneck resilience. And I mean this guy's story is almost unbelievable. It's just grew up with nothing, in grew up in essentially like a shed in Mississippi. I believe. And then yeah, was in the medical industry for 40, some years and now is just a Serial entrepreneur serial investor and has just made tons and tons of money crazy stories. And I highly recommend listening to that episode, which was just last week. If you haven't listened to it, I am definitely going to listen to that one again. And yeah, he's just a guy. You can learn a ton from crazy stories being held at gunpoint and foreign countries and lost his, he went through divorce. He also lost his wife, he also was diagnosed with Tumor himself and you know has dealt with. I told him before the show that we pretty much every type of adversity, falls into every example of adversity that we have had falls into like I said before relationship. Health or financial, there's obviously some Nuance there, but those are kind of the three main, you know, like I said, buckets that these the adversity falls into, and He certainly check the box on all three that's for sure. And definitely check the box on the abundance side of things. The guy was making seven hundred thousand per month to 800,000 per month for years from one of his businesses. So and I don't know if we got into other book recommendations but his book that he wrote is called redneck resilience. And, so I have got a I have got to read that one for sure. Redneck resilience our country, boys, journey to prosperity. So, with all that said, I went longer than I expected, I guess I really enjoy these stories and these guests, and I do appreciate the guests for taking their time to come on the show, and give you the listener value, because that is the whole purpose here is to give you value. So, with that said, if you do have input for Hell, I may or may not take it, but if you have input for what you like, what you don't like, please reach out to me Bateman James at Labrador, lending.com. You can contact us through our website, Labrador lending.com, but I am open to listener. Input on what's resonating with you? What you want to see in 2023, what you want to hear, what you want to learn about, you know, no, I want to keep the focus on entrepreneurship and real estate investing for the most part, but if you also is you have a recommendation for a guest, definitely open to that as well. And again, if you could share like And subscribe do want to, we do want to grow the show substantially in 2023 and will be more specific about our own offerings and services that we're going to provide for the listener. And again, like I say, after every episode, at the end of every episode, we really do appreciate you spending your time with us, because I do genuinely believe it's your most valuable resource, you know, life is, is short and sweet. Hopefully sweet. Right. But it's definitely short. And so, you know, that's why we want to bring the realness and authentic authenticity to, to, to this scene. I guess we're things. Can often look very extreme and meaning rain entrepreneurship is rainbows, and butterflies and unicorns and no hardship, or even the hardship can be viewed. As very extreme. That's our world. We live in today is everything's super extreme, but the real world is a lot more nuanced. So we just want to take these stories that are real. As far as we know, I can't vouch for every single fact, that's, you know, every single bit of it. Information that's presented as fact, I can't vouch for 100%, but we want to take these stories and help you the listener. So that's the entire point of the show. So please, provide input, please provide feedback. We'd love to hear from you Bateman James at Labrador, lending.com. Thanks for spending your most valuable resource with us and that is your time. Thanks everyone.