EP80: How Serial Entrepreneur Connor Steinbrook Went from Rock Bottom to $100k per Month

Discover how your smallest actions can have a massive impact on your life - tune in to explore the incredible compounding effect of positive and negative actions on the latest podcast episode!

In this episode, you will be able to:
- Unveil the roadmap to rally back from colossal life setbacks.
- Soak up the profound influence of mindset in your personal development quest.
- Adopt resilience as your ally to rebound from adversity stronger than ever.
- Comprehend the domino effect that your daily actions can lead to, both positive and negative.
- Foster faith to keep your spirit high and maintain an uplifting outlook regardless of life's turbulence.

My special guest is Connor Steinbrook

Our guest today is Connor Steinbrook, a dynamo of inspiration whose life lessons have been potent for many. An established online poker player for eight years, Connor's life took a challenging turn when federal regulations put an end to his career. Now a champion of personal growth and financial success, he uses his experiences, both positive and negative, to help others develop an enriching life. Connor's resilience and ability to adapt reflect his core belief in the compounding effect of actions.

Connect with Connor Steinbrook:
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/connor-steinbrook-58b2b9a1/
LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/connorsteinbrook
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/connor_steinbrook/
YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/Investor-Army-Youtube and https://bit.ly/Connor-Steinbrook-Youtube

Haven Financial:

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Connect with Jamie
BOOK: From Adversity to Abundance: Inspiring Stories of Mental, Physical, and Financial Transformation
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-bateman-5359a811/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/batemanjames